yooo?? Hehehe, sorry…
Well, as I
promised in the previous post, now I’m sharing with you some secrets for a
great party. Everybody loves some great salsa or a creamy dip to have with some
toasts or chips so here are some of my (and my guests ;)) favorites.
I made up
this version of garlic sauce because I became a fan after having a pita at
Joshua’s, and then my friends became fans after trying mine, they got like eyes
wide opened staring at me a bit scared a bit amazed and as it is a
reaaaaaalllllyyyyy easy recipe I think you’ll just have the same reaction from
people J
just try it.
Herbed garlic sauce
- 1/4 cup mayonnaise
- 3/4 skim milk
- 1 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- Beat all ingredients until well mixed and foamy. Let it cool before serving.
My tip is doing it the night before and DON’T ADD ANY OTHER SPICE or it
will burn your tongue!!
This sea dip is an improvement of the common tuna paste, it’s really
tasty and you’ll just want to eat it directly from the bowl… I speak for self-experience…
Sea dip
- ½ cup canned tuna (drained)
- ¼ cup sea fruits
- 1/3 cup light cream cheese
- 2/3 cup mayonnaise
- Stir all the ingredients until smooth.
As you could see both
recipes were basic preparations, great for when you’re just out of time and
ideas J